4th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry Descendants Assn.

Dedicated to honoring the men of the 4th OVC

Jost Funeral

Thanks to the 4th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry Descendants Association, an American hero was buried on Friday, May 21, 2021 in Cincinnati, Ohio, 117 years after his death.

In September, 2016, while searching for the graves of the men who served in the 4th OVC, members of the Fourth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry Descendants Association saw Jost’s name on the Hamilton County Genealogical Society web page which lists Civil War soldiers buried in the county. He was listed as buried at Hillside Chapel.

A visit to Hillside on September 20, 2016 verified that his unclaimed remains were there, stored in a canister type of container on the top shelf of a cabinet.

Our members also discovered that Jost had a burial plot next to his first wife at Walnut Hills Cemetery. Mary Hennessey began to research Adolph’s genealogy to determine if he had any living descendants who could claim his remains. There were none.

In the spring of 2021, the Association decided to do what they could to give this veteran the burial he deserves as a member of the United States Army. They began the process of gaining custody of the remains and transferring them to Walnut Hills, where he was buried on May 21, 2021.